Bridging the Gap between Mental Health Expertise and the Needs of Underserved Communities

Our mission is to facilitate affordable immigration evaluations for those with limited financial means. We accomplish this by bridging the gap between mental health professionals seeking specialized training and underserved communities in need. By offering comprehensive training programs, mentorship opportunities, and ongoing support, our nonprofit aims to build a network of compassionate and competent mental health practitioners committed to serving vulnerable populations.

What We Do

Immigration Evaluations

We provide accessible psychological evaluations to individuals in immigration processes, offering low-cost or no-cost services to those who qualify

Training for Mental Health Professionals

We offer comprehensive training programs to equip mental health professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct psychological evaluations of individuals involved in immigration proceedings


Through strategic partnerships with immigration attorneys and legal non-profits, we aim to bridge the gap between mental health expertise and the needs of vulnerable populations, facilitating fair and just outcomes in immigration proceedings

Keeping families together, and restoring hope

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